Monday, 29 July 2013

5 Ways which i got 10 X more traffic for my blog

at 10:32  |  No comments


Getting much-needed traffic for blog or website is somewhat like climbing Mount Everest. Isn't it? Like all webmasters, I also struggles for drive traffic for my blog. I had started my blog on August 2012. At that time i don't know how to prepare an article, How to submit to directories, Submit to search engines etc..  I used to post some spamming articles without any proper order, huge grammar mistakes and tried some SEO malpractices.

I had tried the same procedure till January 2013. In between those months i stopped blogging many times, because i failed to get enough traffic. Probably less than 50 page views. I used to blog on a blogspot sub-domain at that time. No Adsense! When i got some funds from Amazon Mechanical Turk i bought a new .COM Domain with godaddy .COM offer. I got it for Just 2$. This turns to one of the main turning point in my blogging journey. 

It's a true fact that custom domains drive more traffic than a sub domain. That also happened in my career. After i moved to, some changes had happened for my blogger stats. I got first alexa rank at that time. It was  20,408,212. Do you believe it?? Probably NO. After hard effort I maintained 100 times better rank and now it's nearly 200k.

How Did i Drive blog traffic 10 Times? My Own Experience

Friends, here are some methods in which i increase my blog traffic. Some times you may tried all these factors. Anyway i am again remembering you. If you Don't tried any of these, please make a try.

1. Submit Site and post links to Search engines. [Killer Way to drive traffic]

It's a true fact that over 70 million searches are doing in Search engine Giant Google. Yahoo and Bing behind Google. Have you ever thought , Why your Website not listing in any of these search Results?? The one and only one reason is, you forgot to Submit your URL's to these search engines. Am i Right? At the early time of my blogging, i also forget to submit my Post URL's. That's why i struggles to get enough traffic. If your website or blog have low page rank, It may take at least couple of weeks to index by Google  Then Why don't you try to submit URL's? If you submit URL's quickly as possible, it will get indexed within 24 hours.
In case of Bing and Yahoo, as both relates to Microsoft, you need to submit your URL's only to Bing. Whenever it get indexed on Bing, it will also listed on Yahoo. Cool.. Isn't it?? Links are given below.

Submit site to Google
Submit Site to Bing and Yahoo

2. I Avoided SEO malpractices.

As of all bloggers, i also unaware about Search Engine Optimization. I used to post one or two articles weekly, without Optimize it for search engines. As i mentioned earlier, Link submitting to search engines is a good seo practice. I lead the SEO malpractices like 'Duplicate Contents', Hiding keyword in background' etc.. This lead to avoid Search engines to crawling my blog posts, Now after avoiding SEO malpractices i am getting good amount of traffic from Google , Bing and Yahoo.

3. High Promotion Through Facebook [Social Networking]

A Facebook Fans page of 1k members are our main asset. This fans page helps me to get instant page views of 100 after a post had made. I hope that these page views helps my blog to well indexed in search engine results. Not only this Fans page but also high member Facebook groups, where i joined also helped my blog to rank well. I used to join Facebook Pages where there are atleast 1000 k members, and promoted my blog.
This is in my case, You can try other social networking sites like Twitter, Google Plus etc. where you have more influence.

4. Use Keyword Rich Articles. [Common using way to drive traffic]

Another Extraordinary strategy through which i got traffic. Generally keywords means the commonly using words or sentence that get searched on any search engines to find some results. In order to get more traffic from search engines you need to keep keyword rich Titles for your posts. In my experience it's better to use keyword with unique titles.

5. Template Also matter [Drive traffic from my own domain]

I believes that 1/8 th of my traffic are due to my new template. Before this outstanding template, i used to post using a normal template, which didn't contains any space to put random posts, popular post or any other widgets. But in this template, there is an option to display related post articles without the help of any third-party websites. As a result, while looking to my blogger stats, i could see a lot of referring from my blog itself.

These all tips are from my experience, and all the above strategies are 100% effective. You can compete with me, if you found any of this information is false. As a result of following these strategies, is getting up to 3 k unique visitors.


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