Main Reasons for Decreasing page rank and solution
In this article we are only telling about dofollow attribute which transfers your sites page rank to other sites. There are many instance when you are forced to put links to other sites. Eg. Reviewing a site, comparing 2 or more websites, introducing new apps etc. By default search engines follow all such links as its is dofollow attribute. Not only to blogs, but also putting dofollow links to sites like google, facebook, twitter also a bad seo practice.
If you are a blog runner there are 3 situation which you lose page rank
1. Putting other sites link in your post
2. Exchanging links with low page rank sites
3. Through dofollow comment box
How to put nofollow links?
We can assign nofollow to the rel attribute of an HTML. In blogger there is inbuilt suggestion for making a link as nofollow.
If you are putting outgoing links tick on rel=nofollow function provided by blogger. This makes search engines not to follow that links and your page rank remains inside your blog.
If you are not running website or blog on blogger platform you can add rel=nofollow directly inserting that attribute inside a link. [i don't know whether other services provides inbuilt nofollow supporting]
Syntax for rel=nofollow
<a href="yourlinkUrl" rel="nofollow">
eg: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Tricksage</a>
If you are not running website or blog on blogger platform you can add rel=nofollow directly inserting that attribute inside a link. [i don't know whether other services provides inbuilt nofollow supporting]
Syntax for rel=nofollow
<a href="yourlinkUrl" rel="nofollow">
eg: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Tricksage</a>
Don't use dofollow comment box
Putting dofollow comment box below inside your blog or website will deduct your page rank if other bloggers used to put their page link inside your comment box. By default blogger comment box in nofollow. So no need for changing it.
In blogger template you can see
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
If you found dofollow instead of nofollow change it fast as possible.
great information!